Journal Basics Coral Character Stencil Yardage

Journal Basics by J. Wecker Frisch for Riley Blake Designs
Price: $11.48 Save $3.79 (33%) Sale: $7.69 per yard
$7.69 per yard
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Journal Basics by J. Wecker Frisch for Riley Blake Designs

Journal Basics peaks in nostalgia thanks to designer J. Wecker Frisch. Library cards, ticket stubs, stamps and grid designs bring forth a texture reminiscent of days when you couldn’t get all those things on one device. Pair these prints with coordinating Confetti Cotton Solids from Riley Blake Designs for some real retro projects!

Additional Information
Price $11.48
Product Type Yardage
Fabric Collection Journal Basics
Fabric Designer J. Wecker Frisch
Fabric Manufacturer Riley Blake Designs
Theme Retro & Vintage Inspired, Text, Novelty
Fabric Color Pink
Fabric Type 100% Cotton
Fabric Width 44/45"
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