Elinore's Endeavor 1830-1910 by Betsy Chutchian for Moda Fabrics

Embrace the pioneer spirit of hope and determination with the latest collection by Betsy Chutchian for Moda Fabric. Inspired by the life and time of Elinore Pruitt Stewart, this collection showcases beautiful floral patterns reminiscent of turn of the century fabrics.

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4 Items

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  1. Countryside Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern | Betsy Chutchian Designs
    Price: $12.00 Sale: $12.00 per downloadable pattern
    $12.00 per downloadable pattern
  2. Making Do Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern | Betsy Chutchian Designs
    Price: $9.00 Sale: $9.00 per downloadable pattern
    $9.00 per downloadable pattern
  3. Tall Pines Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern | Betsy Chutchian Designs
    Price: $9.00 Sale: $9.00 per downloadable pattern
    $9.00 per downloadable pattern
  4. Twinkle Twinkle Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern | Wendy Sheppard
    Price: $10.00 Sale: $10.00 per downloadable pattern
    $10.00 per downloadable pattern