Schmetz 5 Count Topstitch Size 100/16 Machine Needles
Schmetz #1798

Schmetz Topstitch Machine Needles are for Topstitch, heavy, multiple or poor quality threads
List Price: $6.99
Price: $6.48 Sale: $6.48 each
$6.48 each
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Schmetz Topstitch Machine Needles are for Topstitch, heavy, multiple or poor quality threads

These needles will help you to achieve perfectly straight stitch lines and stitches when using a straight stitch plate.

  • Color code: Light Green
  • Size: 100/16
  • Includes five needles
Additional Information
Price $6.48
Product Type Notions
Notion Manufacturer Schmetz Needles
Notion Type Needles and Pins
Needle Size Size 16