Vintage Floral Doily Magnetic Enamel Needle Minder
Flamingo Toes

Vintage Floral Doily Magnetic Enamel Needleminder holds your needle in place on your hoop, so you can always find it when you take a break from stitching. It is made from hard enamel with strong rare earth magnets to attach securely to your hoop.

Size: 1.5" x 1.5"
List Price: $13.00
Price: $12.48 Sale: $12.48 each
$12.48 each
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Vintage Floral Doily Magnetic Enamel Needleminder holds your needle in place on your hoop, so you can always find it when you take a break from stitching. It is made from hard enamel with strong rare earth magnets to attach securely to your hoop.

Size: 1.5" x 1.5"
Additional Information
Price $12.48
Product Type Notions
Notion Manufacturer Flamingo Toes
Notion Type Cross Stitch Supplies
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